Stress And Its Management

Stress And How to Manage it

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Many times in our lives as we go about our daily activities, consciously or not, we tend to bring too much pressure on ourselves so as to achieve certain task or goal. In the process of working to meet up with an assignment given by a boss or in our effort at trying to make more money or even in our assumed normal daily schedules, we forget that the body has a threshold limit for which it can take external stimulus. Stress sets in when this threshold limit has been exceeded and then the body comes down with changes in physiological and physical adaptations. Been sensitive to stress indicators are useful in coping with the challenges of body stress.

Normally, the body has its own way of automatic response to stress but there may be a kind of little which would have its own effect sometimes. And since there is a relationship between stress and illness, the person just discovers he is sick, almost immediately. Thus it is important that every individual gets to take a personal study for stress symptoms as this would differ in individuals.

The “fight or flight” reaction is the stress response adopted by the body and would have to do with the sympathetic nervous system. When this response is brought to bear, the body is shifted back to normal physiological conditions. Stress indicators include excessive sweating, palpitations, anxiety, dryness of the mouth, and insomnia. Once these indicators begin to show face, the individual must as much as possible, revert to eliminating the stressor.

It is not difficult to identify people going through one form of stress or the other. They are often given to psychological and emotional outbursts  such as impatience, excessive anger, restlessness and the likes. At this point, the person must be careful to relax and calm down, so that conditions do not deteriorate. Addictive behaviors are never the best option for taking down stress. People who think they can put off stress by excessive alcohol usage often times end up doing themselves more without any good. This is because stress is a mild form of illness and once there is a viable trigger, it gets all blown off with proper health conditions(read more about health here).

Another typical example is a setting, in which a frustrated person who is stressed, becomes overly infuriated on a basis that can lead to severe heart conditions, emphasizing the importance of relaxing as a method of dealing with stress. When under stress, identify warning signs and take appropriate cushioning measures.

Different Types of Stress

Stress is of three types namely- acute stress, episodic stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is common to most people, has only mild symptoms and can be easily managed. When it becomes frequent, episodic stress sets in. Chronic and episodic stress in persons may require the attention of professionals.

Diabetic and hypertensive individuals must see to it that they do not leave any chance to stress. Physicians have discovered that stress promotes occurrence for such conditions and/or makes them difficult to control. The stress hormone “cortisol” which is released by the body, functions in response to stress or low glucose in the blood. For a diabetic patient who already has more than sufficient blood glucose, this could be disastrous as “cortisol” would work to reduce the effect of stress as well as increase the blood glucose level all at the same time. Injuries too are dangerous to sustaining the blood sugar level. Thus, a diabetic patient should not engage in activities that can lead to injury. However although in hypertensive patients, stress may not pose any immediate effect, they may serve as a risk factor for the condition.

Ways of Eliminating Stress

1. Regular Body Exercise

Exercise may come in form of stroll-walking, running or jogging, and yoga activities(read more about exercise here). By exercising, a person reduces chances for fatigue and also increases mental alertness and concentration. During exercise, the body produces a natural painkiller hormone that stops insomnia. It is observed that at this period, tense nerves are calmed and there is less anxiety- the person worries less at that time; respiration also improves. Thus exercise suppresses stressors and the individual feels better. So when next you feel stressed, instead of feeling down, a cool evening walk could make a big difference.

2. Procrastination Should Be Avoided

There is a lot to procrastination than mere postponing of duties because it is the thief of time. Procrastination would not only sap the time but would leave the individual really stressed up with an accumulation of workload. In the end, the individual discovers he has done almost nothing in a whole lot of time. To avoid the stress that comes from the effects of procrastination, do not leave the assignments of today, for another. Clear off every work as they come. This is another way of putting off anxiety and worry.

3. Eating Balanced and Nutritious Meal

Eating the right type of food is a right step to overcoming stress. People don’t realize that they are what they eat and their performance is attributable to the type of food they eat per time. Body system of people may differ slightly in functionality. This explains the reason why a person may eat a full bowl of solid food in the morning and would still be able to efficiently go about his normal duties, and while another would experience a breakdown if he tried such. Get to know what food suits your body and at what time. Apart from calorie exhaustion, learn to eat healthy; eat food (read more about food here) that contains essential elements that builds the body to resist stress. Then, don’t forget to take adequate water each day.

4.  Identify The Stressors

This boils down to knowing yourself. If you are the type who is frequently stressed, then you may ask yourself the question “what are the things that stress me out?. Make a list and be sincere to list them all out. Identify the ones that are possibly caused by your own self and make amends.


Solutions To Some of The Common Stressors

For instance, if your list includes traffic long hour hold-ups, workload rigour and/or relationship issues, you may choose to adopt something that resembles any or all of the following:

Going Out When The Road Is Less Busy

Try to make use of the busy road as early as possible, before other road users start plying or rather use a different route. By this, you would have saved yourself the painful and non- beneficial stress through waiting.

Have A Flexible Work Timetable

If you are assigned a particular number of duties for a week, you may spread them out within the days, such that you do not pressure yourself to finish them in less time when the deadline knocks. For other individuals who find their job too tasking and cannot seem to cope with the stress, it is just advisable to look for another if possible or even better still, talk to the boss about the situation.

Work On Your Relationship

Relationship Issues could tell on a person hard time, if they get out of hand (read more on how to maintain a relationship). But then, this shouldn’t be a reason for making you feel morosely stressed out for the better part of the day. Sort things out as much as you can, and don’t forget to see the counselor for advise if need be.

Good Luck!

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