7 Habits and Mindset that Helps You Make Good/Better Decisions in Life

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Let’s face it, many of us don’t make the best and perfect decisions in life. We are all guilty of making wrong decisions, whether it is a minor one that barely affects us or a major one that impacts both us personally and our surroundings at large. We make so many individual decisions and judgment on a daily basis than we even consciously realize. Making goad and accurate decisions can increase not only our own quality of life but that of everyone around us also.

It seems incredibly simple to look at the results of a decision from an outsider perspective or position and analyze how things went wrong. But when you’re the person involved and it is up to you to make a decision or conclusion, it can be a much more challenging task. As the age-old expression goes, “hindsight is 20/20,”  We like to think we’re professionals and specialists at handling problems because we are seeing it from a distance, we believe we can logically deduce exactly why things proceeded the way they did. But when we’re faced with a making a decision in the heat of the moment, things can become dramatically different and more difficult. (Read an interesting article on How to Calculate Ovulation And Safe Period in Women here)

Luckily there are mindset and behavior we can take on that will allow us to adapt to situations and problems easier and help us make good and perfect decisions as we live our lives. I’ve adopted these habits myself and I’ve found my quality of life is greatly enhanced. I feel much joy and more content with the things in my life.  If you find yourself wanting to achieve and accomplish more in life, or you just want to yield better results from the decisions you make, practice these habits. These habits are taken from many of the most accomplished individuals of our time and even generations before us. Here are the habits that lead to better and good decision making in life. Below in this article, we have compiled 7 adaptable mindsets, behaviors and habits that will help you make accurate and perfect decisions. (Read on Monogamous And Polygamous Families here)


  • Focus on the Right Things ( Avoid Focussing on Things You Cannot Change)

The great, and very successful, Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can do a thing, or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” Our intent is everything. If you visualize that something is easy, it ends up getting easy. But when you think something is impossible, you make it so. This is what Henry Ford meant in his quote. Whether you think you can or cannot do something, you make it so by your belief. So focus on what you can do, not what you cannot do. This is highly important and is arguably the most important habit and mindset to get into when trying to make good and accurate decisions. (Read on Reasons, Tips, and Benefits of Overcoming Shyness here)


  • Be proactive, Not Reactive

So you’ve gotten into the habit of thinking and focusing on what you can do, the next thing to do is to simply take action. Be PROactive, not REactive. Everything in the world won’t just fall into place because we want it. We must define our intentions first, and then put out the efforts to achieve the results and outcomes we seek and desire. We all want so many things in life but only a few of us actually attain these things. If you take on the habit of being proactive in your endeavors, making good and better decisions and judgment will come to you easier. (Read on Ways Diseases Spread in Rural Areas and How to Prevent and Control Them here)


  • Read Wide and Learn More

A lot of people tend to think that immediately you are through with schooling you are also done educating yourself. This is an incorrect way to perceive life. Instead, think of life as an on-going experience, journey and the opportunity to constantly and continuously learn. The greatest achievers and leaders are readers. If you’re not a reader, listen to audio books. We have been blessed to be living in an era where digital audio books are around us. We can learn almost any language or skill we want from the comfort of our homes with a just a computer or a mobile phone. Learning is important and it’s something we should be doing all the days of our life. When you are versed in knowledge, making perfect and accurate decisions will become a clear and simple task for you. (Read an interesting article on Education is the Best Legacy here)


  • The Only Constant Thing in Life is Change, Don’t be Afraid of it

The fact and truth of the matter are that we all have the strength to withstand the most challenging and demanding things that life throws at us. It’s just a matter of reaching deep within ourselves and discovering our inner strength. It begins by logically analyzing what we’re doing, tweaking the things that aren’t working while sticking to the ones that are working perfectly.

Like Henry Ford said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” This is always true on most occasions. If you’re too fearful of change, you might not progress. Change is not a bad thing. It leads to new beginnings and opportunities. And the truth is, sometimes we need a door to close before we discover many other doors around us. So fear not, my friend. Walk through that door and don’t be afraid to open up the new doors when they present themselves to you. It is of utmost importance to get over your fear of change in order to feel bold and strong enough to make good and perfect decisions. ( Read an interesting article on the effect of frequent change of school on a child’s educational performance here)


  • Focus on Your End Goal

Start every day with your endpoint in mind. What this means is pretty simple in theory, but in practice, it can be hard to do. Successful, wealthy and happy people will often begin their day with a clearly defined list of things they plan to accomplish and achieve. This can be simply just one thing per day or several things per day depending on what you like. But it is better to live your life with the end goal in mind every day. When you approach and live life with a clear goal in mind, it becomes easier to make the best and perfect decisions or judgment. (Read an interesting article on choosing the right career here)


  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (Health is Wealth)

As important and necessary as it is to read and build our mind and knowledge base, it is equally important to keep our bodies active, healthy, and in utmost condition. Get moving, go for a walk, play a sport, exercise, go swimming e.t.c. Do whatever you find enjoyable and make you active physically. You will be happy you did this both in your nearest future and in your old age. Invest in yourself and your physical well-being. A healthy body is required for making good and perfect decisions. Start making good decisions by choosing to have a healthy body. ( Read on The Importance Of Food, Water, Sleep And Exercise To Your Health here)


  • Don’t Expect to be Comfortable Everytime

Bruce Lee once said, “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” We are bestowed with the ability to do amazing things in this life but it starts just outside of the realm of comfort. This can be one of the most difficult habits and mindset to inculcate, as every human being truly like being comfortable. But the truth is… being uncomfortable is the seed for growth and better decision making. (Read on Stress And How to Manage it here)


In Conclusion

Doing these habits and behavior won’t make you a successful person overnight. But inculcating them over time will most certainly make your quality of life awesome and better, it will also eventually, lead to good and accurate decision making. All good and great things take time so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t see instant result. Rome wasn’t built in a day after all. Many of the greatest thinkers and achievers in history have used most of, if not all, of these habits and mindset to become amazing individuals and decision makers. I wish you good luck in your journey.


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