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Why You Don’t Want to Be in a Relationship?

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It is pretty hard to be honest nowadays. Whenever you say that you don’t want a relationship, your prospective partner is more likely to go saying to friends “She/He said that she/he does not want a relationship, probably he/she has someone else”, and you feel utterly confused. On the other hand, you have the same thoughts when you get refused. Somehow, the phrase “I don’t want a relationship” doesn’t seem trustworthy. Actually, when you think about the necessity of dating imposed on use by the society, it makes no surprise that we find it hard to believe that someone may just not want to have a partner. Men don’t want a relationship with me? Probably because I’m not pretty enough. Guys find the same explanation to why girls don’t want a relationship with them. But the problem not always lies in the partner, but in a relationship per se. Let’s find out the reasons behind why people may not want to be in a relationship.


  1. You Feel Quite Happy on Your Own

You have your job, and you have your interests, and you are not ready to sacrifice your comfort zone for anyone. If you would have wanted to be in a relationship, probably you would try blind dating or registered on all of the dating apps and online dating services, but you don’t feel that it’s going to happen anytime soon. Besides, Netflix and Hulu have so many interesting flicks for you to watch, so unless a pizza delivery boy or girl would ask you out, you are most likely continue watching “Stranger Things” and adaptations of Margaret Atwood’s novels.


  1. Dissatisfied with the Dating Market

Prospective partners may be the reason as well. You may be simply dissatisfied with your local dating market. Your interest for each and every prospective partner lasts no longer than 15 minutes. A quarter of an hour is just enough to see that they are absolutely boring persons that you want nothing to do with. How often do you anxiously type HOW TO DECLINE A DATE VIA TEXT on Google when just a couple of hours left before it? So, until you find another dating market with more interesting prospects, you are most likely to keep away from building a relationship with any of your locals.


  1. You’re Not Standing Strong

You don’t feel that you are standing strong. You’ve just got your first full-time job, and you need to concentrate on developing your career. With such aspirations, you clearly understand that it is unlikely you are ready to share your life with someone else. It has nothing to do with egoism, as you are thinking about what your possible partner may get – a partner who is never around, and even when he/she is around, he/she is most likely to talk about work. You know that you wouldn’t want a partner like that, and thus you try to save your possible partners from such an experience.


  1. Your Life is a Mess

Rarely someone thinks that you may not want to have a relationship simply because you need to put everything to order in your life. You don’t know where your life is going and you don’t want to solve this problem at someone’s expense. Your partners-never-to-be may not understand it, but you are making their lives easier by not entering them.


  1. You Don’t Want to Lose Friends

You know how it goes, people become friends, then they turn into lovers, then friendship and good relationships are gone. Of course, there are exceptions, and you often come across them in fiction, but never in real life. So, until you’ve seen anything like that in real life, you are going to stay away from the pattern friends-lovers-strangers as far as possible.


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1 thought on “Why You Don’t Want to Be in a Relationship?”

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