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No two people are the same. Children from the same womb, identical twins and those that are close to being the same will have one or two differences. We all have our strengths and weaknesses likewise do we have different personality traits. The psychologists grouped the personality traits into four– Choleric, Melancholy, Phlegm and Sanguine. Within these four groups exist another two broad divisions of traits people can be classified into. They are the introverts and the extroverts. The introverts are those that always want to be in their shell, they do not like to be seen. They are known to be calm, reserved, gentle and easy going. They are hardly noticed in the public and they keep to themselves. The extroverts on the other hand are sociable, out-spoken, out-going and known by the general public.
A person’s trait will affect his or her lifestyle, everyday activities and relationships. It is essential for an individual to know his or her trait, coupled with that of the partner. Understanding your partner’s trait will help you to know how best to deal with them, handle the relationship and to have a long-lasting relationship. This article will focus more on how people with different personality trait behave and act in their relationship.
- The Choleric Partner
People that are choleric are those that like to win always. They always want to rule and to be in authority. They have the leading roles and always want to be in control and in charge. Choleric partners will always want their say to be final. Their rules and regulations are not to be questioned and the relationship can be likened to a bureaucratic organization (read about bureaucracy organisation) . They are authoritative, impatient and frown at any form of disobedient. They argue a lot, force their decision on the partner, and may be abusive in their relationship. They have high ego-syndrome and are always hurt if the ego is being tampered with.
A choleric partner is not gender-biased as they can be a male or a female in a relationship. Dealing with them needs extreme wisdom and caution. Correcting them should always be in secret and with high diplomacy. Patience, understanding and cooperation from the other partner will make relationship successful. It is s not always advisable for two people with this trait to be together.
- The Melancholy Partner
They are the serious-minded people, reserved, mostly introverts and less emotional. They can be insensitive to their partner’s needs most times because they are more concerned about the external things that sustain a relationship. The love language to most melancholic partners is the “words of affirmation” (read about different love language here). They are less talkative; they mean their words and in turn take their partner’s words seriously. They are patient with actions and at the same time find it hard to change their decisions or actions. The melancholy partners are trust worthy and expect the same from their partner.
- The Phlegmatic Partner
Most phlegmatic people are the introverts. They are easy-going, slow to act, talk when necessary and always give freedom for their partners to make decisions. They ask of their partner’s opinions and give room for expression. Most of them are faithful and are satisfied with the way the relationship is or going. Taking them for granted means getting on their bad sides. Thus, they find it hard to forgive those that take their patience for granted. The only thing they need is a push and words of encouragement from their partners to do well.
- The Sanguine Partners
They are the extroverts. They are very friendly, social, talk about everything, nag, very quick to give love and quarrels. They are so emotional when it comes to love. They joke a lot and say words they do not mean. These people are trouble-makers and at the same time forget about the troubles easily. They do not take their partner’s words or complaints seriously until it becomes serious. The sanguine expect their partners not to get angry at their abusive words. They apologize when they offend people and forgiveness is in their dictionary.
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