definition, causes and reasons why girls/ ladies, women, youths and people engage in prostitution

5 Reasons Why Youths or Women Engage or Get Involved In Prostitution

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Meaning and Definition of Prostitution

Prostitution is known as the world’s oldest profession and one of the most common vices (read about other vices here). Prostitution is derived from the Latin word “prostituta” which is practiced by both male and female. This act is also known as commercial sex where people (both male and female)  engage in sexual activities in exchange for money and benefits such as material things, connections or favor. A prostitute could be a man or a woman regardless of their age. A female prostitute is often called a call girl, harlot, sex worker,#whore, #slut  etc. While a male prostitute is commonly called a “gigolo”. Other names include rent boy, toy boy, a pansy boy and so on. Both male and female prostitutes are referred to as commercial sex workers.

A female prostitute must be physically attractive and good in bed while a male prostitute must have a high sex drive, good sex skills and maintain a strong erection during sexual activities. Some people patronize prostitute on a short-term basis while some have a long-term contract with their clients. There are gays and lesbians prostitutes also. Prostitution is legalized in some countries like Argentina, Belgium while countries like Nigeria has not legalized the act yet even though it is popularly believed to be the world oldest profession.

Causes and Reasons Why Women/Students Engage or Get Involved in Prostitution 

Many women that are seen in the act are not happy with the profession. Some are forced into the act while some are engaged in it because of some unavoidable factors and conditions. Below are few of the reasons why students and girls engage in prostitution:

1. Poverty

Many young ones go into prostitution so as to make ends meet. The first reason why women turn into prostitutes is to make money. The poverty rate is increasing at an alarming rate and people, especially those that are not disciplined venture into other means of making money. Some young ladies who are in school with no parental support or any other means of funds to fend for themselves see prostitution as a means of survival and continuity of their education. (read an interesting article on educating a female child, empowering a nation)

2. Victims of Rape, Child Labor, and Trafficking

Some of the sex workers are victims of sex slavery, rape, child labor, and trafficking(read about child labor). Those who are sexually abused or raped when they are young see nothing great, divine or important about sex. Their conceptions about sex have been derailed due to their childhood experiences. Some have low-self esteem and other sexual disorders that later lead them into prostitution. Some young ones are forced and forced into sex slavery, #pornography and prostitution. ( read on child abuse here)

3. Peer Pressure 

Most people/ladies that are in this act are being lured by friends, siblings or family members. Peer group has the highest influence on a child. The people a child move with determines who he or she will become. Youths are majorly influenced by people around them since they have not really mapped out the partway of their life.

4. Laziness and Thirst for Quick Wealth

Youths and students nowadays are lazy, they want to make money and live in luxury without hard work. Those that work with little wages are being intimated by their colleagues that are making money without no work. This drains the morale of the innocent ones thus making them to be involved in prostitution. Some young ones that are from wealthy families are also involved in this act. They are greedy to have more wealth and money apart from the ones given to them by their parents.

5. Lack of Parental Care

Most children become wayward when they have no one to guide and monitor them. Those with busy or care-free parents tend to be lured into various social vices. The ladies are free to attend parties, where they are exposed to bad influence and girls already involved in prostitution, will deceive and lure them into prostitution. (read about the importance parental support and care on education here)

Prostitution is a vice that should not be legalized nor encouraged. Although it is the oldest profession at the same time a dangerous one. Prostitutes are exposed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases( read about sexually transmitted diseases here), unwanted pregnancies and other social vices such as drug addictions, thuggery among others.

Now we know the major causes of prostitution.

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12 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why Youths or Women Engage or Get Involved In Prostitution”

  1. I’m a good catholic woman who has been faithful to my partner .I just found out he has been sleeping with prostitutes, we have sex at least once a day but generally twice , I’m good looking as is he, I’m secure in myself and good to him, respectful, not argumentative, we were a team , least I thought. Thinking maybe I should go that way as being true and real got me being two timed and he gave me herpes and acted so innocent. What’s the point of being good , caring, faithful and decent. May as well sell myself!

    1. please you don’t have to do that selling yourself wont solve anything.
      just be patient as long as he continue to give money for a living

  2. ifeanyi chukwuemeka (not verified)

    prostitution is bad
    5. Lack of Parental Care
    Most children become wayward when they have no one to guide and monitor them. Those with busy or care-free parents tend to be lured into various social vices. The ladies are free to attend parties where they are exposed to bad influence and people that will deceive them into prostitution.

    Prostitution is a vice that should not be legalised nor encouraged. Although it is the oldest profession but at the same time a dangerous one. Prostitutes are exposed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases, unwanted pregnancies and other social vices such as drug addictions, thuggery among others.

  3. Herman Supeda (not verified)

    This article is very useful for my research. It gives a lot of information that i might relate to my paper works. Good Job!

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