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There are various types of social occasions and it ranges from small, comfortable gatherings, like a dinner party among friends, to big, intimidating crowd scenes like a cocktail party. Other events include the naming, weddings and burial ceremonies. These ceremonies have their peculiarities but the principles of conversation are the same. One thing to do is to be opened, and if you are with a partner, find a common ground with him/her and always listen so that you can relate with people present.
Conversations In Small Dinners
Conversation at dinners seems very easy for many people. A dinner has its peculiarities and the people involved in this kind of event are minute in nature. Also, there is a probability of knowing few persons or probably one or two attendees. This makes conversation easier with more choices and techniques available to meet both old friends and new people, discuss and have a personal relationship with them. There are many advantages attached to a social setting where friends and familiar people are present. It does not mean one should speak carelessly nor dominate the conversations at the table but rather flow with the discussion, direct its flow to cover the main subject and involve other guests at the table.
Sensitivity is very important in this kind of a gathering. In doing this, the mood of other people should be studied carefully to know if they are interested in the discussion or not. If the people are not showing interests in the topic or discussion, the topic should be changed to light-hearted or hot social issues topics which will ease their minds. You never can know, the topics discussed might be a source of relieve to people with stress (read more on how to manage stress), illness or secret burdens.
Conversation In Cocktail Parties
Conversations in a cocktail party can seem somehow difficult to some people because they find it difficult talking to set of people in a rowdy hall. Alcoholic drinks which can trigger some funny actions should be avoided. The less alcoholic drinks or wine should be taken in cocktail parties. If you cannot trust your body reaction to the drinks served, you can choose not to have a glass in your hand. You can just fold your arms and be open to start a conversation. With or without cup in hand, do not be intimidated nor stay on a spot but rather move around to see if you can see anyone or people to engage in with a conversation. The advantage of this kind of social setting is that people from different fields will be present , which gives you an opportunity to enlarge the scope of discussion.
To start with, introduce yourself and ask questions about the other person or persons you are chatting with (read more on how to make close friends). Ask leading questions and make sure the conversation is interesting, lively and not boring. If you find it hard to come out of a conversation, there are ways of disengaging yourself without being rude. Gimmicks like “I want to make use of the restroom”, which you must make it urgent. You can start another conversation with the same person or with someone else when you come back or you might be lucky to see a friend of yours or a familiar person. Another nice way of leaving a boring conversation is by hooking two people together in a discussion or telling them you will back in few minutes. Those people will not be surprised if you do not come back within the time stipulated because it is a cocktail party.
Conversation In Family Gatherings
Ceremonies and gatherings like birthday parties, weddings, burial or family reunions being relatives together. The young ones get to know each other more and it creates a kind of informal relationship between them. Family gatherings hinder the possibility of incest and serves as an avenue to resolve any conflict that might be in existence. This social setting is comfortable because it involves people who are close to each other. During birthday parties, the cutting and sharing of cakes should be done with the celebrant. In weddings, you have to be fully engaged in the talks, gist and other relationship discussion that may arise. Pay condolences during funerals and make few comments about the deceased if you know him or her, let people know of his or her accomplishments when he or she was alive. Finally, do not be isolated in family occasions.
Have Fun!!!
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