Pregnancy Formation, Stages, Multiple Births and Symptoms

Basic Knowledge And Symptoms of Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is the state of being pregnant. This is the period by which an offspring develop in a woman which starts from the day of the last menstrual period to childbirth. Pregnancy is also known as gestation or conception, a process by which the ovum is fertilized by the sperm to form a zygote. During ovulation, matured eggs(ova) are released. When there is unprotected sexual intercourse in the ovulation period, the sperm cell swims up into the female part of a woman and fertilizes the matured egg released by the ovary. The union of the sperm cell and the egg to form a zygote is known as fertilization. The fertilized egg then travels to the womb(uterus) through the fallopian tube(uterine) where a further division of the egg cells occur to form a zygote. (Read an interesting article on How to Calculate Ovulation And Safe Period in Women here)

Embryo and fetus are two terms used to describe the developing offspring in a pregnant woman. The zygote is called for an embryo in the first two months while the fetus is used to address the zygote after the first two months. Pregnancy usually lasts for nine months or 40 weeks.

Stages In Pregnancy

The stages are divided into three namely: the first trimestersecond trimester and third trimester. The first trimester is the period between the first day of conception to the third month or week 12 of the pregnancy (week 1-12). The second trimester starts from week 13 to week 28 of the pregnancy. The third trimester starts from week 29 to week 40. The organs and necessary parts of the embryo or fetus start forming as time go on.

1. First trimester

During the first trimester, the following begin to form; the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), the heart, body organs, external body parts like the legs and arms, sex organs, umbilical cord, muscles, and tissues. The fetus weighs one ounce and is about 3 inches long at the end of the first trimester.

2. Second Trimester

The second trimester is characterized by the further development of body structure, muscles and tissue, the formation of the skin, intestines and the ability to make movement, fist and bowel movement. The fetus develops nails, eyelids, lungs, bone marrow, taste buds, eggs & balls and sucking ability in this period. The weight of the embryo increases to 1.5 pounds and 12 inches long by the end of the second trimester.

3. Third trimester

During this period, the bones are formed, there is the movement of the eyes, fists, and muscles, minerals are formed and stored by the fetus. The body fats and body weight increase. The fetus position changes to head-down position, the lungs are fully developed and is considered full-terms towards the 37 weeks. The baby weighs between 6 pounds to 9 pounds and about 20 inches long.(Ovulation and Fertile Period Calculator / Predictor)

Three Important Life Support Systems In Embryos

The important support systems in developing offspring are the placenta, umbilical cord, and the amniotic fluid. They develop as conception starts. When the egg is fertilized, it splits into the fetus and placenta.

1. The placenta

This support system is formed along the lining of the womb. The placenta provides the nutrientsoxygen, and water needed for the development of the fetus. It also transports the wastes products from the baby to the mother, which will be passed out through excretion. The hormone needed for a healthy pregnancy is called the “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin” is also produced by the placenta. (Abortion And Miscarriage; Meaning, Causes And The Risks Associated With Them)

2. The umbilical cord

This system is known as the lifeline between the fetus and the mother. It connects the fetus and the placenta through which materials are transferred from the fetus and the mother’s blood. The umbilical cord is formed from the tissue of the embryo with a length of 60cm. The cord attached to the placenta separates before childbirth while the part of the cord attached to the baby is clamped and cut some days after childbirth. The umbilical cord is also known as the birth cord or navel string.

3. The Amniotic Sac

The third life support system of a fetus is the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac is filled with amniotic fluid and serves as the house and protection for the fetus. The sac regulates the temperature of the baby, allows easy transport and swimming of the fetus. The coming of the baby breaks the amniotic sac and water that breaks at the onset of labor is the amniotic fluid. (12 Common Symptoms of Menopause In Women)

Multiple Births In Pregnancy

A multiple birth occurs when a woman is pregnant with more than one baby. It could be monozygotic or polyzygotic. When more than one baby is formed from one zygote or fertilized egg cell, the multiple births is known as monozygotic. These babies that are formed from the splitting of one egg into two or more embryos are known identical and they have the same genetic make-up. Identical multiple births can be of the same sex while some multiple births are of different sexes.

On the other hand, polyzygotic births are formed from different eggs that are fertilized by the sperm cell. The embryos are formed from different eggs and have different genetic make-up.

The common multiple births are twins (dizygotic) while others include triplets, quadruplets and so on. Identical triplets are formed when the fertilized egg splits in two and then one of the resulting two eggs splits again. Identical twins have one placenta but different umbilical cords and amniotic sacs. On the other hand, the non-identical twins have different placentas, umbilical cords, and amniotic sacs.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

The first symptom is the absence of menstruation (read more about menstruation here). Others include morning sickness, nausea, constipation, vomiting, tiredness, sleepiness, swollen breast, increased appetite, loss of appetite for certain foods, headache, changes in body weight, swollen feet, ankles and face, stretch marks on body parts such as the breast, abdomen and buttocks, body aches, itching of the palms, sores of the feet and abdomen, heartburn, baby dropping and contractions. 

The cervix becomes thinner and softer as the due date for childbirth approaches. These symptoms vary in women due to different physiological make-up.

A pregnant woman is expected to feed well (read more on the importance of food), reduce the intake of hard drugs and harmful substances like the intake of caffeine, cigarette smoking, and alcoholic drinks. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in protein and vitamins are advisable. Milk with low fat should also be avoided.

Pregnant women are advised to report any form of discomfort, different from the common symptoms to a doctor. Self-prescription of drugs should be guided against. Stress, depression, anxiety and all forms of physical stress can be harmful to the baby and can lead to miscarriages (read more on how to handle stress here). Avoidance of stressful activities does not mean laziness because a little form of exercise is needed for the body and to make delivery easier. Herbs from traditional medicine can be coupled with pharmaceutical advice to fight against pregnancy complications like oedema, narrow cervix, high baby weight and so on.


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