The Benefits Of Water To Life

The Importance of Water to Your Health and Body

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There are some factors that dictate the amount of water the body needs. A practical example is the climate. The climate condition of where you live dictates the amount of water needed. For example, those in the sunny areas like the northern part of Nigeria, gets dehydrated faster and their water intake is much and higher than those in the temperate areas. Other factors that determine the amount of water taken include the activities someone engage in, sport activities or health conditions.

Some of us sometimes do not know why we take water, the quantity to take daily and the importance of drinking clean. Water is not meant to be taken only to quench thirst but rather regularly. This is because we lose water from the body or get dehydrated when we sweat, breath or digest foods and urinate. Thus, the need to take water, liquids, foods or fruits that contain water for hydration. Pregnant women need more water intake for the unborn children. Also, the nursing mothers need it to hydrate them from the water loss as a result of daily breastfeeding. Water is needed by the organs, tissues and cells present in our body and also help to regulate the body temperature and perform some other body functions. This article discuss the importance and relevance of water to one’s body system. They are:

  1. Removal of Waste In The Body

Water also helps the body to remove waste products, either by perspiration, defecation or by urination. This is a process whereby organs in the body such as the kidneys and livers help to excrete wastes. Toxic food products are being washed out of the body and excreted. Adequate water intake also prevents constipation by softening stools and helps to move the food eaten though your intestines. Large amount of water also prevents one from infections like urinary tract stones, bladder infection or colon cancer.

  1. Water Prevents Dehydration

Water prevents the body system from running dry. Human beings engage in vigorous exercises(read about exercise here) which results to lose of body. Whenever we sweat profusely under, it might result to fever, headache, dehydration, tiredness and fainting. Constant lost of fluids requires an increase in water intake so as to maintain the body’s water level.

  1. It Aids Digestion and Circulation of Oxygen

Water is the basis for saliva, and digestion starts with saliva. Without water, digestion is impossible because digestion solely relies on the enzymes present in the saliva. This helps in breaking down foods to smaller components and also dissolves nutrients and minerals. Proper digestion of food makes the minerals and nutrients present in the food accessible for body use. Also, water helps to transport oxygen faster in the blood, which is useful for the body.

  1. Protects Body Joints, Muscles and Tissues

Water keeps the tissues, muscles and joints in the body moist and active. When the eye, tongue, or nose get dry, we don’t feel too good and we feel that we need water to make it moist. Adequate water content in the body maintains an optimum level of moisture which relieves the sensitive areas in our body. Water is needed by the brains, bones, tissues and blood and also helps to keep our spinal cord in shape and also helps in lubricating our joints. Shortage of water leads to friction of the body joints which later result to body pains.

  1. Water Controls Calories and Gives Good Skin

Some dieters are now used to taking much water in order to control the calories present in their bodies. Water is also a strategy used in loosing weights. Some people consume water rich foods such as the vegetables, beans, fruits and oatmeal while some even substitute water for higher calories beverages to shed their weights.  The skin contains much water, and protects fluid loss. When one is dehydrated, the skin looks wrinkled and dry. Then, the intake of much water increases the body fluid and makes the skin glow and bright.

  1. It Improves Mood and Reduces Headache.

Much intake of water can boost your mood and improve the mood; it makes one feel refreshed and also improves ones state of mind (read about you and your mind here). When you walk for too long and do not take water, it results to headache people. Research has shown that water naturally reliefs a person from headache. The standard recommendation for headache is taking take two cups of water within every two to three hours.

For you to enjoy the full benefits of water, you have to increase your daily intake which could be either by taking water or taking beverages after each meal. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as they help in increasing body fluids. Always be with a bottle of clean water when going out so as to prevent dehydration. Water is so important to us that we cannot survive without it for three days. Soft drinks should not be used as an “every day” substitute for water. Water should be safe and purified before drinking. Dirty and contaminated water can lead to diseases (read about common diseases here) such as diarrhea. Water bodies should be kept clean and fit for drinking. No one is exempted from taking water.

Live Healthy

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