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Genotypes (AA,AS,SS) and Malaria Proneness

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People often ask questions about which genotype is the best or the strongest in respect to malaria proneness. There is no direct answer to that since the genotypes have their advantages and disadvantages, take your time to read them below and decide for yourself.

Advantages and Benefits of Genotype AA

From our previous article on the various types of Genotype and blood groups here. We can deduce that Genotype AA has the uttermost advantage when it comes to choosing a partner for copulation and reproduction( read on choosing a life partner here). People with genotype AA can reproduce with any other genotypes with having the fear of having offspring with sickle cell disease also known as genotype SS.

Disadvantages and Cons of Genotype AA

The teaching hospital at the University of Uyo carried out a research on this topic. The research reinstated that people with AA genotype are more prone and susceptible to Falciparum Malaria (malaria parasite ). They screened some children with Malaria parasites and found that 93.3% of them are AA genotype. About just 5% of the children screened were of genotype AS. They found facts during the screening of blood group, haemoglobin genotypes and malaria parasite or M.P (falciparum malaria).  This indicates that people with genotype AA has high Malaria Proneness. (The parent determines the blood group of a child. Read about it here)

Why People With Genotype AA have High Malaria Proneness

Various research from various medical fields in the past has established the fact that malaria parasites (falciparum malaria) gotten by mosquito bites have a very high rate of oxygen use and consumption. The malaria parasite has also been known to also consume massive amounts of haemoglobin, for survival and during the peripheral blood period/stage of replication and duplication.

Since blood genotype AA red blood cells contain normal haemoglobin both in quantity and structure, thereby resulting in more oxygen-binding capacity and fueling of the malaria parasite duplication and replication process. This is the major reason why the malaria parasite (falciparum malaria) survives and thrives well in the AA genotype compared to other genotypes thereby Increasing the Malaria proneness of people with the AA genotype.

Advantage and Benefits of Genotype AS

It was also realized during the research that, being of blood genotype AS (sickle cell carrier) bestows and confers on you some form of protection from malaria parasite (falciparum malaria). This is because of the complex lifecycle of the parasite. When a person of AS genotype is infected with the parasite, the presence of the parasite causes the red blood with defective haemoglobin to rupture prematurely. This makes the Plasmodium parasite to be unable to reproduce or replicate since they need large amounts of haemoglobin and oxygen to do so. These happen during the blood peripheral blood stage of replication.

Also, the polymerization of haemoglobin hinders and affect the ability of the malaria parasite(M.P) to digest it, In areas or regions prone to Malaria parasite or mosquitoes (West Africa, East Africa, India, e.t.c), People of genotype AS( sickle cell carrier ) have higher chances of survival than people of genotype AA. Genotype AS ( defective haemoglobin) red blood cells conform and adhere to the parasitized red cells more easily than red blood cells of genotype AA ( normal haemoglobin). Haemoglobin Electrophoresis can detect abnormal haemoglobin forms. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis is a form of gel electrophoresis in which different types of haemoglobin moves at different and varying speeds. The most common forms identified from the process are people with Genotype AS( sickle cell haemoglobin HBS) and Genotype SS( Sickling HBSC).

All these indicate that the Malaria proneness of people with genotype AS is than that of people with genotype AA.

Disadvantages and Cons of Genotype AS

Also from the initial article on knowing your genotype and blood group here, we can deduce the fact that people with AS genotype are at a great disadvantage when they want to choose who to reproduce or copulate with. the reason why is because they are sickle cell carriers and can only copulate with Genotype AA alone, this is to avoid them having offspring who will carry the dreaded and disadvantaged sickle cell disease genotype SS.

Disadvantages and Cons of Genotype SS

Even though people with genotype SS( sickle cell disease)  has the defective haemoglobin advantage, the protective effect on malaria enjoyed by the people with genotype AS does not apply to them. The reason is that malaria is the most common cause of health crisis for SS patients in regions where the parasite is available. Genotype SS patients should take anti-malaria chemoprophylaxis treatment throughout their lifetime.

Malaria Chemoprophylaxis is the preventive treatment of malaria for people with sickle cell disease(SS genotype). Also, people who don’t have immunity against malaria travelling to a region prone to malaria also take this treatment. You can also read about other ways to prevent malaria here. You can also read more about sickle cell disease and how to manage its crises here. Now you know the advantages and disadvantages of each genotype, you should be able to decide which one is the strongest or best genotype by yourself. If you enjoy this article please drop a comment

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87 thoughts on “Genotypes (AA,AS,SS) and Malaria Proneness”

  1. My girlfriend is an AA and i’m an AS,are we compatible and are there any chances of giving birth to a sickle cell carrier(SS)?
    Female: AA

  2. Good evening, I am AS by genotype also my partner we were about to get married b4 we discovered and we have did abortion severally, how many chances do we have if SS in our future children?

    1. it best you both go your separate ways… what if the abortions you did one of them was AS.. it risky taking chances you know
      you have plenty chances of SS in the future

  3. I really need to go to hospital to know my blood type becoz my wife to be is AS she told me to check my blood group, initially I really did not care for all these things but after reading through,I think is important to know my blood type, thanks though it was helpful

  4. Thanks for this
    I learnt alot
    Am always sick of malaria
    Please is there a way to prevent it
    Am tired of taking drugs

    1. Yes I don’t easily fall sick of malaria but if i eventually do i will be in big trouble cos it take me week to recover.

  5. I really appreciate this
    But had like to ask one question hope to hear from you soon. Am AA I hardly fall sick, but when I do have malaria it’s come with full force and serious. Is there any reason to it?

  6. ..thanks for your article I have learnt a lot. Am AA but I rarely fall sick
    of malaria , for more than 3years I don’t take malaria drug and I don’t feel the symptoms at all.

    1. Hey i amnot a specialist but have more knowledge to say no because the problem is in the s and you are more prone to have SS kids who will end up suffering. You have higher chances to have more SS than S

  7. Well! this was really great but having know all of this, but i am always suffering from fever please how can this be reduce.

  8. I have my correct answer to my question, to me AA is more advantageous or much more far better than any other genotype since malaria can fight with all the genotype

  9. Wow! I knew nothing about genotypes . I just did mine .Reading through the result I could not understand what it means. Thanks to this article .I don’t need to see the doctor for explanations.

    1. I think the chance is 75% for AA + AS. Each “A” carrying a 25% weight in the combinations.
      A = 25%
      A = 25%
      A = 25%
      S = 25%
      3x “A” = 75% chance of AA
      1x “S” = 25% chance the child becomes a carrier.

    1. Genotype AA can marry any of the other genotypes so yes you can be with her but you have to get prepared financially to take good care of her because of her SS condition.

  10. I do treat malaria Everytime mosquito bites me and I went for a blood Genotype test the results shows that am AS Genotype is it possible for an AS Genotype to suffer malaria Everytime I am thinking the result is not correct I want to go for another genotype test for confirmation

    1. I think u should run another test somewhere else,I was told the test should be done like three times in different hospital,the two that correspond out of the three is ur real genotype

  11. Patience Oyowhose

    What are the chances of a man with AA marrying a woman AS? Can they by any chance produce SS child?


      Please, I’m AS & my proposal is neither AS. And also we have a good relationship which now some weeks left for us to get marriage. Please am need for your medical advice.

  12. Secondly, can someone be Blood group A & Rhesus Factor positive grow fat upon all exercise & fatiks still be growing fats, i need some advice

  13. Very clear and understanding, how can be getting more tips on my blood group & genes, please message me on +233 594903018

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