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Mass failure is no more news in our ears, we hear of it almost every day. When examination results are being released, massive failure follows.The question now is, “who are the major people responsible for the massive failure in examinations?” Students, parents, government, the school and other people are responsible for the high rate of failure in Nigeria. Thus, all the bodies responsible for the educational sector need to be reviewed. There is need for students to change their attitude towards their studies and all other factors affecting their success need to be dealt with. No stone should be left unturned when curbing the massive failure rate among students. Three major people; students, parents and the examiners who are responsible for mass failure of examination will be discussed in this article.
- Students
Students particularly are the subjects that are most concerned with mass failure. There are some factors that limit their success. These factors range from psychological instability, financial incapability, lackadaisical and nonchalant attitudes and distractions. Psychological problems can sometimes be overwhelming and interfere with students’ academic performance thereby limiting the rate they study or assimilate. This makes student perform poorly in both internal and external exams. For example, a a student who lose a loved ones will be affected in his studies, especially when examination is near.
Also, when a student is not capable to provide for his financial needs or when there is no to buy text books and other reading materials, failure might set in. Students find it hard to concentrate in classes when they are not eating well. Some spend most of the periods in school to engage in part-time jobs so as to cater for their needs. All these put them through lot of stress and inability to focus more on their studies. They have less time to study, read and prepare for their exams. Another factor that causes mass failure among students nowadays is their lackadaisical and non-challant attitude, Most of them forget the main reason they are in school or college, they neglect their books and engage in non-beneficial activities. They sometimes keep bad friends and they are being lured to commit crimes and perpetrate evil doings in school members.
Distraction in form of technology is another factor that is affecting the academic performance of youths. Social media and other forms of social networks and chats platforms with friends and family members are the major forms of distractions to many students. Most of them stay glued with their phones and laptops chatting, browsing or watching movies.
Self denial and discipline is essential for success. A student has to limit his or her extra curricula activities and shun all forms of distractions while studying. The serious one make use of these social networks to their advantage by browsing, making researches to gain more knowledge when preparing for exams. There is a need for students to change their attitude towards their academics by studying the more, thereby reducing mass failure
- Parents
Another subjects to be considered are the parents of these students. Parental support (read on how parental support affect success) on success is needed for academic excellence. Brilliancy is not the only requirement needed to excel. Coupled is the provision of resources to do exploit. When the resources needed for a student to pass an exam are made readily available, the morale of such student to study will be boosted, knowing well that there is no excuse if he or she fails. It is a pity that some parents no longer care about their wards’ education; they do not inquire on the welfare of their students.
Parents no longer supervise their children’ assignments because they are too busy with work and their business. They wake up very early in the morning and return very late in the evening when the children are asleep. There is no daily supervision, no time to visit schools, check and evaluate their children’s academic performance. This kind of situation is not helping matters but only aggravating the rate at which children perform woeful in their exams.
Parenting style (read on how parenting style affect success here) is another way parents affect their children’s success. Some parents pamper and spoil their children, thus contributing to academic failure. According to an adage that says there is an adage that says, “spare the rod and spoil the child”, children should be scolded and should not be pampered, especially when it comes to their studies. Parents are therefore encouraged to help the future of their wards by instilling in them the advantages of being successful and the disgrace attached to failure which will help them buckle up for their exams and pass exceed well.
- Examiners
Examiners also play an important role in the grading of students. Some examiners are friendly and strictly follow the marking guide, thereby giving appropriate marks as stipulated, but some are not like that. They are sentimental and award marks based on predilections, affection or hatred they have for a particular student. For example in colleges or higher institutions, lectures throw advances at some students, particularly the female ones, and sometimes when they do not give in to those advances, they are been intimidated by the lecturer who sometimes are the same as the examiner.
Some examiners and teachers are lazy and do not put in their best in teaching. Most of them are found in government schools are not dedicated (read on the advantages of private schools over public schools), they come to classes anytime they want, hardly teach the students and do not cover the curriculum. This makes the students lag behind and they find it hard to perform well in external exams. Some examiners, in their bid to cover their lapses and to make ends meet encourage exam Mal-practices, of which the answers are not always right, thus leading to failure.
Most times it is the student because of their attitude towards their studies. Sometimes, mass failure is the fault of the parents by not providing the adequate support needed by their children. Lastly, the blame can be put on the examiners who are sometimes partial and sentimental.
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I really enjoy reading your post and the students should put more effort on their studies.
I really enjoy reading it
This is the correct factor you know.
This is a great article you know my dear friends and pals.
Since 2020 we are going nowhere in academic failure.
I enjoyed your post but I will like to comment. The debate on who’s responsibility for students failure in school. is the teachers fault and the school. Some schools don’t have quality teachers and good library. The head of the school don’t go round to check what the teachers are teaching the children, and some of the teachers don’t write lesson plan before entering the class. Teachers don’t motivate their students during teaching. Some don’t have teaching methodology and approach on to handle students individual. When we have quality teachers we have Great nation thanks
In fact in Africa the School system is totally wack and totally stupid by all measures you know.
En Francais il faut que L Afrique ferme ses ecoles avant que se soit trop tard vous savez.
La maison est la meilleure apprentissage pour le petit et meme les grands de ce monde que nous connaissons.
In another note
Parents are to be blamed for their children’s failure because some of them due to over pampering,when their children fail and is being asked to repeat a class ,they take the child of the school instead of leaving the child to repeat and pick up,it is a great lose on the part of the child because later run he or she will see the effect
Also parents do not attend PTD meetings organized by the school to know how their ward behave in school,they take it for granted and their children too don’t care .
Parents give money to their children to pay so they would be given answers in external examination and this makes the child to feel less concern to study and depend on the answers that would be supplied to him or her
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