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The issue with most girls and women out there is that they do not know how to keep their men. Women have the key to the doors in a relationship, they are the drivers of the car but it is sad that they do not know this. What a man or a guy does is to give directions but the lady holds the gear. In a woman’s hand lies the ability to make or mar the relationship. Although women are seen as weaker vessels but under those vessels are the power people referred to as “a woman’s power”. Every man is directly, indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly subjected to this power, which could be that of their mothers or partners. You can mould your man to who you want.
If you already have a ring or in a serious relationship that means it is true that your man has intense love for you and it is sure that you are not a side chick( read about side chicks here), you should not be totally relax, careless or over-confident of eternal security with him . Your man can still be swayed away by his emotions and other babes out there who are going about, seeking whom they will hang on to (read about why men cheat here).
Understand Men’s Chemistry
The first thing you need to know is the general chemistry of a man. The baby and ego beings are embedded in them. Their baby nature is masked and hidden by their macho power. They pretend to be strong when they are not, they pretend not to care when they actually do and some even pretend to be okay without a woman’s love. Every man, regardless of his age, status, occupation, and tribe has a soft spot. They need care, love, attention and lots of pampering just like babies. Men appreciate women that care and look out for them. Do not neglect all these needs because of what people believe about gender.
Study your man, know his specific weaknesses, strengths, put-offs and when he is experiencing his mood swings. Know the best time to have a conversation, discuss issues, complaints, when to make special demands and request, which is always when he is happy. Do not bring up issues and complaint when he is tired or not in the mood for arguments. It is also important to know his temperament, whether he is a sanguine, melancholy, choleric or phlegm. Knowing their temperaments go a long way to deal with them. If he is an extrovert, then be ready to go out with him and cope with his numerous friends and talks.
Men generally do not speak their entire mind like the women because they do more of thinking than talking. Do not be angry if he is not giving you the details you asked for or needed. It doesn’t mean he is no more in love or caring. If your man, for example is the talking type, you have to be more of a listener. Show sighs of interest in his conversations by maintaining eye contact or making sighs, comments, contributions, nodding your head, at intervals. Even if you are not interested at that moment, you have to pretend to be or let him know politely about your state of mind and promise to make it up to him. Women need to understand the nature of their partner.
Always Show Him Care
After knowing this secret about them, then satisfy those needs. Show him you care about his looks, job, occupation, business, career and his problems. Knot his neck tie before leaving in the morning, if you can’t, adjust the tie. Dust the imaginary dirt on his clothes, smoothen his shirt, suit or wears before going out even if they are well ironed. Give him a warm peck and embrace him before going out in the morning and when he comes back. Help in packing his suitcase if he is on a trip, remind him of his documents, appointments and outings if he is the type that forgetful. Compliment his look, haircut, shoes, perfume and his body scent but be real when doing this. Call him at work or after meetings to know how he is doing and how things went. Welcome him with a smile if he is back from work or from a stressful activity. A woman/lady that wants to keep her man should not always be tight fitted. Buy him affordable gifts on his special days or after winning a contract or an award/title. Appreciate him with gifts and thank him when he treats you, relatives or your kids right.
Be Humble
Another way by which you can keep your man is by lowering your standards, knowledge, wisdom and be humble. Men love to be a superstar and they love to win always. Do not bring down your guy’s ego by constant argument, oppositions, disobedience or shutting his ideas up. A woman should learn to subject her intellect to some extent for her man. Do not prove him wrong every time and stop pointing to his faults. Even if he is wrong and you are 100% right, correct him with love or later when the heat is down. He will appreciate that than calling him a dunce or correcting things for him. Be humble and allow him be the head. Being humble does not mean throwing away your certificate or converting to a housewife but rather allowing him to make the orders by which you humbly follow if they are safe. He will adore you the more if you help him display his ego.
Be Feminine
Furthermore, you can keep your man by being a weaker vessel he knows you to be. Be feminine in your dealings, cry when you are in pain or when you are hurt, do not always put up the act of being strong even if you are. You can fake the tears sometimes to allow him pet you. Let your man help you with heavy tasks. You cannot be carrying heavy loads and doing a man’s job when he is there. What are his extra ribs and muscles for? By that, you are telling him you need him more and he will be happy doing them for you. A woman should not be totally independent. If you have the attitude that you do not need a man’s presence, he will go to other babes that do. Let him make plans for you and give you advice. Tell him when you are undergoing difficult moments and allow him stretch his helping hand. It is not always good to reject his offers. Be in the middle of being dependent and independent. Be helpless around him, plan your day around him, and let him be in charge. Do not act it if you earn more than him. Give him the assurance that he is a man. Just be his baby and enjoy his masculinity.
Be Fun to be With
Ladies should be humorous but not to the extent of joking with serious matters. Ease his tensions and worries with jokes and love plays. Have pet name(s) for your man. Set a special ring tone for him; let him be looking forward to seeing you. Make every moment he spends with you filled with memories instead of frequent nags and the serious stunts. Be flexible with him and be romantic. Satisfy him sexually and tie your legs at the same time. Let him know you are a good girl and be his sexy mermaid. Build him to trust you, be faithful and be clear in your dealings with opposite sex. Prepare his meals always and regularly if you are married to him. If you are not, be on the average and have “wifey” characteristics. Take care of your body, hair and clothes. Wear nice cloths and outfits in the house or whenever you are with him.
Respect Him
Respect his relatives and friends. Have the highest regards to his close family members, especially his mother. Have you ever noticed the love a man has for his mother? Some can even end a relationship with ladies that are rude to their mother. Ask after his family’s wellbeing, push him to ask after them when he gets busy, praise his mother and always follow his wish when it comes to his relatives. Calls, messages and gifts on birthdays, visits or special occasion to his parents can make him smile at you always. It is not in all relationships where a man worships his woman’s world that woman uses voodoo on the man. You can make him stick with you without using love charm. Love is a beautiful thing!!!!.(try reading about how to bring back the spark in your relationship)
Wish you Good luck
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Ways to Know you are the Side Chick | Information Parlour
Wow, this post is good, my younger sister is analyzing these kinds of things, thus I am going to tell her.
Oh my God, this post is so so nice, have really Learnt a lot from this