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A secret cult can be defined as an organization of which people come together to pledge their allegiances, under an oath and have a social bond of commitment and dedication for the good of the organization. Their activities are kept secret- thus the name “secret cult”, and kept away from other members of the society or non-members of the group (Read on ways and how to identify a cultist here). Secret cults carry out their meetings when people are not aware of, especially during the odd-hours and far away from residences. This act is cultism and someone who practices it is a cultist. Secret cults are rampant in schools all over the world. It was known to be at its peak in tertiary institutions but it is no more news that has expanded their territories to secondary and even primary schools. This social vice( read about other social vices here) is eating up the educational and moral standard of students. Innocent ones are being lured into the vice and other social vices such as drug abuse, armed robbery, murder etc.
Reasons Why People Join Secret Cults
- Quest For Power and Revenge
Many youths or students become members of secret cults because of the thirst for power and authority. This is common among those with the aim of fighting for their rights. In Nigeria schools, the main reason why people become cultist is to fight those who oppress them, the wicked lecturer, school authorities and the opposite cult members. No wonder, the countless cases of murder, bloodshed, revenge in schools with high cultism rate.
- Popularity and Wealth
Some youths are found in this group so as to become known, dreaded and wealthy. The cult members are believed to have rich and influential sponsors. Becoming a member serves as a bonus to meet the rich people in the country and also to become rich.
Effects of Cultism on Education and Academic Performance of Youths
- Disruption of Academic Calendar
An institution with high cultism rate will always be closed down because of the frequent fights, clashes, unrest, and bloodshed. The school authority will be forced to close down the school and students will not have a choice but to flee for their lives and safety. A school can be closed for days, months and even years. Students are prone to spend more years in school. This is a serious effect of cultism. (The Importance Of Parental Support On Education)
- Loss of Lives and Properties
There is an adage that says “when two elephant fight, the grass suffers”. When a crisis associated with cultism arises, properties, lives of victims and innocent people will be lost. Cultists are known to be violent, merciless and always high on drugs. When they fight against the school authorities, buildings, structures, equipment, and properties may be burnt or destroyed. Life and property loss is a serious effect of cultism on the society.
- Fall in Education Standard and Academic Performance
Frequent closure of schools, damages of properties, loss of lives and all other consequences associated with cultism result to the fall in education standard in Nigeria( read an interesting article about falling education standard here). Parents will find it hard to send their wards to such schools; good and experienced lecturers will prefer to be transferred to another school where their safety will be secured.
- Fear and Insecurity
Students and youths will always be in fear in schools with this menace. They will not be totally focused on their studies as they will not have peace of mind. Students will always be cautioned and will restrict their movement so as not to fall victims of rape, assaults, and death.
Possible Solutions To Cultism
- Discipline
Parents should enforce discipline on their children. They adopt good parenting styles, have time for their children, visit them at schools and monitor their children. Also, parents should live exemplary lives and desists from secret organizations. School authorities should have high discipline and have stringent punishments for cultism, this will serve as a solution to cultism as a whole.
2 Public Campaigns against Cultism Schools, religious houses, Parents, Students, government, non-governmental organization and the society as a whole should as a solution wage against cultism through seminars, workshops, campaigns, and talks. The dangers associated with it should be preached to the students.
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Mister perfect hisssss
And what have u done about it the nonsense u can do is to write an article “useless”
Nice piece.
What’s with the Daniel guy and leaving rude comments on people’s remark?
Thought we’re all mature here?
Rich enlightening content, I love it
It was helpful
I’m really impressed with dis ‘s really great
Good. It’s very good. Thanks, it helped alot
It has helped me a lot with my project
Wow. Nice essay. Truly an English studies, you know what your doing. Keep writing and will love the outcome.(try poem writing )
Surely she do know, dis got me an A mark on my project……..
Thanks for the help with my assignment.
Type here..thanks this help me in my English Assigment
Thanks .It really helped.
Thanks this helped me so so much
Thank you so much this helped in my English assignment. I expect an A
Shut up
Beautiful discourse on the subject matter. Best regards.
Cultism is an enemy to security, excellence, goodwill and social tranquility. It should be shunned and fought against. SAY NO TO CULTISM
The promblem Start from us because of popularity and wealth and power
Cultism is a social vice that is embraced by youth and children that have no vision. If we are conscious of our tomorrow, we will shun this evil call.
#Assignment done….Will surely get an A…Thanks
Let us do watt we can 2 stop dis
thanks you help me to solve my assignment.you help in greay way.
It’s spelt great not greay
This article is realy good .if I was given a homework about this I’ll surely get an A.
Lies you will surely get an F
God will touch the heart of our youths not to be associated with this evil society.
Cultism Is Jst A Dirty Game Make For Unseriou Type Not We The Christians.
I learnt that cultism is a bad attribute of a student and is not to be found amongst them I also like that it is not good to be a cultist I learnt that cultism cultism is a bad attributes
Desist 4rm corrupt practices
Thank you as I have gained tremendously from your write up . Tomorrow I will be a guest as an educationist sharing more light on the harm cultism is causing on our country Nigeria as a whole and on our Education .
Heart breaking
Since d disadvantages is beinq made known to us, it’s of no use joining a group that won’t add any good thing in our life, so my fellow teenagers, do not be deceived by any homosepian. WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN TO GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD AND LOOSES HIS SOUL?
We all should join hands together to fight aganist cultism
Yeah we should
Please send me your number,
it’s understandable
i love it
I hate it
As we all know Abt cultism,it is adviceable we abscon from such vice and follow d rite standard of life.through d help d internet have learnt alot on on d menace of cultism so I dereby advice u read and learn more.Thanks
It’s spelt the not d
mathematics and English language
And biology
we need to be careful
Yh we really need to