Reasons why women Cheat on their Husbands

8 Reasons Why Women Cheat in a Relationship

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Women also cheat, they are generally known as soft-hearted being and for their kind heart. Because of this, many people find it hard to believe that a woman could cheat. Also, in the same way it is uncalled for a man to cheat, it is also unethical for a woman to cheat. Have we ever wondered why some women cheat on their partner? Below are some of the answers. (Read an interesting article on Reasons Why You Don’t Have to be in a Relationship to be Happy here)

1   To Revenge Their Partner That Cheated

Women are unfaithful due to many reasons. Some do that because of their unfaithful partners. Some ladies cheat because their partners cheat (read about how to handle a cheating partner here). Many women are unlucky with relationships even after their 100% commitment and faithfulness. They then venture into flirting so as to get back at their partners or out of frustration.

2   Financial Constraint & Poverty

Women also cheat as a result of financial incapability. Those with stingy or broke partners can be tempted to have side guys. Women are known with unlimited needs that are insatiable. They have the thirst for fashion and material goods such as shoes, bags, clothing, weave on, cars and the need for frequent change of hair. They also love competition and leaving large. If this type of women is in a relationship where their needs are not met, they go out to have other men or guys to meet these needs and to leave comfortable.

3   Indiscipline, Lack of Contentment and Sexual Deprivation

Many women are known for their lack of contentment and covetousness. They are not always contended with what they have: one partner, care, love, emotions, sex etc. Many ladies also cheat on their partner to fulfill their sexual desires, especially, those that are addicted to sex. They flirt with other men when their partners are not around or available to make love to them ( read about long-distance relationship here). Even some married women lack self-esteem and indiscipline thus having younger men as lovers.

4   Peer Pressure

Women and ladies that have friends that are cheating on their partners tend to be influenced and attracted into the act. Those with relationships issues and those experiencing turbulent storms could be discouraged and advised to leave their present relationship or to have other partners. The jellyfishes, with no backbones among the ladies, can be swayed away by the riches and affluent of their unfaithful friends, thus, leading them into the practice.

5   Early and Forced Marriages

Female children that are forced to marry someone they have no emotional attachment with are more prone to cheat in their marriages. Some parents dictate their children’s future partner because of wealth, tribe and social class. These children are coerced to act against their own will in order to avoid being disobedient, disowned or neglected by their parents. Majority of them turn out to be unfaithful. The ladies in this situation might still be seeing her true love in secrets, thus, making her break her marital vows. (Read an interesting article on The Importance Of Knowing Your Genotype And Your Blood Group Before Marriage here)

6   Culture

There are some cultures that encourage polyandry (a woman with more than one spouse). Examples of such society include the Toda, Tibet and the Nepal of Indian and some parts in South America. The women in these parts of the world see nothing wrong in having multiple male partners, as it is embedded and seen as normal in their societies. (Read on Culture and Its Characteristics)

7   Parental Influence

Children from households where their parents cheat on each other tend to follow such path. A female child who comes from a female-headed household has the highest percentage of being like the mother. This can be catastrophic if the mother is involved in immoral acts. Such child will be influenced by this upbringing and also cheat on her future partner. It is painful to know that some mothers dictate their female child’s relationship; they decide who they should end up with or the number of partners to have. Some parents even support the act by preaching that having one partner has no advantage. (The Importance Of Parental Support On Education)

8   Belief and Custom

It is a belief in the olden days that girls that are not circumcised or those that are do not undergo genital mutilation are prone to have abnormal sexual urge which can lead them to infidelity and unfaithfulness to their partners.

No matter the nature of a relationship or the circumstances surrounding it, an extramarital affair should not be encouraged. The act of cheating is not healthy for a relationship. Those who do it stand at a higher risk of contracting STDs.(read about STDs here). Remember to read about why men cheat here. (9 Reasons Why Men Cheat On Their Woman)

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